Call for MSc project proposals
The Radboud AI for Health lab aims to find innovative solutions to clinical problems using artificial intelligence. Since the start of the Radboud AI for Health lab in September 2019, various MSc projects have been carried out in the field of image analysis, computational pathology, genetics and text analysis among others. For all six month MSc projects, both student and supervisor are eligible to receive a monthly reimbursement from AI for Health. We are continuously looking for relevant clinical problems that could potentially be solved by AI and thereby have a significant impact on healthcare. We would hereby like to invite you to submit any new MSc project proposals that you may have. More information on the requirements and how to submit a proposals can be found here.
Please feel free to contact Postbus AI for Health if you would like to discuss any ideas or topics of interest and would like assistance forming a project proposal.
We look forward to receiving your project proposals!
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